How To Make Calculator With HTML..Explained

My YouTube Channel For other Requirements:

 Vaibhav's Teknow  

If you Want To Impress your Friends or Your Family So Start Creating An Calculator With HTML

Yes You Can Do It By Simple Codes...

step-1 : Open Notepad

step-2 : Copy This Code And Paste It..




<title> Calculator by VAIBHAV SENGAR </title>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="calc.css">



<div class="container">

<fieldset id="container">

<form name="calculator">

<input id="display" type="text" name="display" readonly>

<input class="button digits" type="button" value="7" onclick="calculator.display.value += '7'">

<input class="button digits" type="button" value="8" onclick="calculator.display.value += '8'">

<input class="button digits" type="button" value="9" onclick="calculator.display.value += '9'">

<input class="button mathButtons" type="button" value="+" onclick="calculator.display.value += '+'">


<input class="button digits" type="button" value="4" onclick="calculator.display.value += '4'">

<input class="button digits" type="button" value="5" onclick="calculator.display.value += '5'">

<input class="button digits" type="button" value="6" onclick="calculator.display.value += '6'">

<input class="button mathButtons" type="button" value="-" onclick="calculator.display.value += '-'">


<input class="button digits" type="button" value="1" onclick="calculator.display.value += '1'">

<input class="button digits" type="button" value="2" onclick="calculator.display.value += '2'">

<input class="button digits" type="button" value="3" onclick="calculator.display.value += '3'">

<input class="button mathButtons" type="button" value="X" onclick="calculator.display.value += '*'">


<input id="clearButton" class="button" type="button" value="C" onclick="calculator.display.value = ''">

<input class="button digits" type="button" value="0" onclick="calculator.display.value += '0'">

<input class="button mathButtons" type="button" value="=" onclick="calculator.display.value = eval(calculator.display.value)">

<input class="button mathButtons" type="button" value="/" onclick="calculator.display.value += '/'">




step-3 : After Copy this codes Save File with Your Any Name With Extension .html For Example:


you have to write small letter of Html like calc.html - It is Right